Shree Chalthan Vibhag Khand Udyog Sahakari Mandali Limited Chalthan

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About Us


  • Actual Crushing Started in 1970-1971 with 1250 tons per day Capacity . the Plant is of Backau Wolf India Make,Double Suplphitation process. In the Firat year,Factory has Crushed 11,600 tons of Sugarcane and in the Season 1973-74 the Factory has Crushed 2,22,000 tones of SugarCane With an Average Crushing of 1,400 tons per day.The Factory haas undertaken firt expansion programme in 1977-78 from 1250 TCD to 2000 TCD. In the Year 1982-83, the Factory has further expanded to 3500 TCD. This Plant is Walchandnagar make. From the Season 1988-89 onwards,the factory is further expanded to 5000 TCD and from 20.12.1988 the factory is crushing Sugarcane at the rate of 5100 TCD.

  • All Members of the  Scoiety are Farmers Cultivating Sugarcane. They  are  Supplying Cane to our Sugar Factory . Total Membership  is 15982, out Of Which ,Harijans 211 and Adivasis are 24.Surat District Consists Of 7 talukas and total Villages are 188.

  • Our sugar Factory is sityated at chalthan village ,in South Gujarat Region of gujarat State,18 k.Mtrs. Away from the diamondand silk city of surat . It is situated on National HighWay No.8, Bombay - Ahmedabad and the State HighWay No.6 Surat -Dhulia ,is Hardly at a Distance of Railway lineconnects with Bombay - Ahmedabad main line is also Passing thorugh Chalthan and Chalthan Railway station is Just adjecent to our factory. Our Area is Under Tapti Valley,Which is gifted with ample water either available through Canal irrigation or wells.The Soil is Fertile and the landsa are even. The economical and atmospheric conditions have Established the agriculurists to resort Banana, Cotton,Vegetables,Wheat ,Paddy and Sugarcane Plantation on large Scales.



Actual Crushing Started in 1970-1971 with 1250 tons per day Capacity . the Plant is of Backau Wolf India Make,Double Suplphitation process. In the Firat year,Factory has Crushed 11,600 tons of Sugarcane and in the Season 1973-74 the Factory has Crushed 2,22,000 tones of SugarCane With an Average Crushing of 1,400 tons per day.The Factory haas undertaken firt expansion programme in 1977-78 from 1250 TCD to 2000 TCD. In the Year 1982-83, the Factory has further expanded to 3500 TCD. This Plant is Walchandnagar make. From the Season 1988-89 onwards,the factory is further expanded to 5000 TCD and from 20.12.1988 the factory is crushing Sugarcane at the rate of 5100 TCD.

Most Modern plant Equipments are installed in our Sugar Factory . Fibrizer,split Carrier donally Chute, Auto Sulphur burner,Continuous Centrifugal Machine,Vertical Continuous Crystallizer Etc.are Some of the Same. Over & Above the Factory has installed a 40 tones high pressure boiler for their expansion to 5000 TCD. This boiler is of Texmaco make and it is the first of its kind installed in Gujarat. The Factory has also installed a high pressure turbo alternator set, which is also te first unit installed in Gujarat. Theturbine is of APE Belliss India make and alternator is of Jyoti make.

The Factory has also installed  continuous oan for massecuite boiling with automation,cooling and condensing system for Constant Vacuum on Pan and Evaporator . Also Installed twin Vertical Crystallizer for mass Cooling.

For air & Water Environment Protection,Factory as installed wet Scrubber system on all boilers and Diffuser air Blowing system,Pressure sand Filter and Pressure Carbon filter System for effluent water treatment.

Factory has installed mill automation system and Boiler Automation System forBetter Results.

In  Order To Asecrtain accurate Weight of all materials,factory has installed Computerized load cell base weigh-Bridge at weigh-bridge stations.Noraml Crushing days are 200. Expansion Programme were done by own funds and in shortest possible time. The Factory has expanded from 1250 TCD to 5000 TCD within a short time of only 10 Years.

Our Authorized Share Capital Of Rs.110 Lacs is distributed among 11,105 members from whom the Factory is Receiving sugarcane for Crushing at the Factory . even though the Factory started Production in 1971,Within a short time of seven years,we have paid back the share Capital of Rs.39 Lacs to the Government and loan of IFCI and LIC amounting to Rs.23 Lacs. The Factory is Receiving; Sugarcane From 183 Villages within a Radius of 32 K.mtrs.


For Utilization of Bye -Product Molasses,Organization has installed a Distillery Unit With 30,000 Ltrs. / Day Capcity And Was Expanded to 60,000 ltrs./ Day Capcity in 1993. For Production of Anhydrous Ethanol,We Have installed a30,000 ltrs. / day Capcity plant in 2002 with modern  Molecular  sieve technology.  Anhydrous Ethanol  is Supplied to  the  Oil  Compaines to Mix with  Petrol to  Promote the Fuel -Ethanol  Programme of Government Of India. 

For Distillery  effluent treatment, a full Fledge Composting Unit is Established and a Compost Fertilizer is being sold/Distributed Amongst our member farmers only. 


Transport  and  Road Development in Rural  areas are considered  as  gateway  for  economical  Progress. Chalthan Sugar Factory is always in front  in  suc  developement  work,We  are  contributing  Re.2 / - per ton of Cane  Crushed for road  development.

Our Contribution is about  Rs.21  Lacs  per  Year for road  developnment in our  area. We  Are also  Contributing  towards the  Promotion  and  Growth of  institutions engaged in educational,research and other  activities. We  Do  endeavor to  share the benefit of  industry  with  Adivasis and  Harijan  Farmers of the area,Who  are not members by Granting Sugarcane Plantation from  out of  quota for our  own  Grower members. 


We Have Organized Computerization at Our  Society  and  Now  Functioning Well With all The Departments. 


1 Registration Of the Society No.SE 8 dated 31.03.1964
2 Industrial License Grantedon 14.05.1969
3 Area of Operation 188 Villages
4 Sugar Plant Suppliers M / S Buckau Wolf India Ltd., Pune  , M / S Walchandnagar Inds.Ltd., Pune
5 Distillery Plant Suppliers M / S Savelle Chem. Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai   , M / S Praj Industries Ltd., Pune
6 Ethanol Plant Suppliers M / S Praj Industries Ltd., Pune
7 Licensed and installed Capacity of Sugar Plant 5000 tons per Day
8 Distillery Plant Capcity Expanded Capcity 30,000 ltrs. per day    , 60,000 ltrs per day (18.11.1993)
9 Licensed and installed Capcity of Ethanol Plant 30,000 ltrs. per day


Capacity Expanded                              Year

1250 to 2000 TCD                            1977-78

2000 to 3500 TCD                            1982-83

3500 to 5000 TCD                            1988-89


Infrastructure Facilities

The  Society May  have to develop necessary infrastructure facilities, like Hospital,Technical and Agricultural College etc. Power Project, Ethanol Project.

Tribal Dominated

The Co-Operative society’s members are mostly tribals. It is noteworthy to see that it is the only Co-Operative society located in tribal dominated area of Mandvi Taluka. The rawmaterial i.e. sugarcane is supplied by these tribal grower members. The society is confident to pay the maximum possible cane price to its grower members. The society intends to install a 2500 TCD plant in this region. The proposed factory will produce of  the crystal sugar. It will provide inducement to sugarcane grower to adopt better practices to get more output.

Realization of such attractive returns of their agro products will improve their economic conditions which will again result into increasing their agricultural productivity.

After start up of this cooperative sugar mill the economic conditions of tribals will improve substantially, since it will help to sell their agricultural produce and provides job opportunity during seasons. Thus the sugar factory acts as a catalyst for improving socio – economic conditions of tribals.

Potential for Cultivating Sugarcane

There will be 188 villages falling under the command area of proposed sugar factory. Part of these villages also falls in command area of nearby sugar factories. Even though if we deduct the area falling under command area of other sugar cooperatives, still there is more than enough area to produce sugarcane. The availability of land and irrigation potential available in the area of proposed sugar cooperative society.

There is a great potential available for growing more sugarcane. In summing up, it can be safely concluded that the society can get sufficient sugarcane for crushing. Due to development of factory, automatically, the living standards of the grower members will improve which justifies the proposal.

In the area of operation of the Mandvi Sugar Factory Govt. has proposed to construct Right Bank Canal and to extend the irrigation facilities of 9,900 Hectors. Which will benefit the cultivation of sugarcane and the farmers of Mandvi Taluka residing in the northern villages. 


  • The basic Vision of the society is to promote agricultural activity by implementing the modern methodology of the same and principles of joint- agriculture so as to yield benefits to the farmers as well as tenants farmers for the optimum agricultural out put and to realize the same to encourage, economy, co-operation and a sense of self reliance amongst members.
  • To acquaint and implement modern methods of agriculture for sugarcane and to provide seeds, fertilizers, tools, insecticides etc. to the members on loan and to provide necessary agriculture related education to members to faster their growth 
  • To Construct building or to acquire the same in any other manner to cultivate sugarcane crop and to erect machinery for the same.
  • To construct  and  run a sugar factory and purchase plant and machinery for the same to raise share capital or to borrow the necessary  funds from co-operative societies/ NRI / Private/ Bank / Central Financial  Institutions or from any other institutions on mortgage of the moveable and immoveable properties or otherwise.
  • To cultivate sugarcane to produce sugar and to purchase sugarcane from outside and other raw material inventories for the factory.
  • To do any other incidental acts which are necessary to run the factory or society.
  • To provide loans to members for cultivating sugarcane to develop modern method on the security of either sugarcane or sugar and to recover loans out of the sale of sugarcane provided by the members.
  • To develop other sugar related industry and to implement machinery for the same, to acquire materials and to make arrangements for its sale or import / export of the same.
  • To create model farm for the education of members of the modern methods of agriculture of sugarcane to use improved seeds, to organize seminars, conference etc.

Medical And Health

Our Factory Has Promoted SANJIVNI HOSPITAL to solve the problems arising out of Scarcity of medical facilities in  rual area. This is an importtant step towards attachment on community Goals through cooperative efforts. This hospital aims to provide modern medical Facilities to rural poor at normal chargesand intends to implement a Comprehensive health programme in rural areas. At Present a 130 bedded most modern well equipped hospital is functioning. This Hospital Provides all the basic Facilities of Hospitalization,Emergency and nursing Care in a Clean surrounding.The Details Of Facilities are as under :


This Hospital Funtions fully equipped O.P.D both in morning and evening with full time Surgeon,Physician,,Orthopedic Surgeon and gynecologist to Provde baaic Facilities. In addition to this,Parttimevisiting Doctors Provides Care in Dental, Ayurveic and naturopathy.


The Hospital  has well  equipped causality  and emergency services to  cater  for  both   medical  and  Surgical  emergenices aground the clock with  technical  staff  and doctors. 


The  Hospital has 130 beds Capacity  with  50 functioning beds at  present. In  addition,it has separate burns unit of two  beds and  ten  bedded naturopathy  department. 

It has well equipped two  operation  theatres for  all minor and  major  operation of  various disciplines. 


The Hospital  is Equipped with one  X-Ray  Unit  of 300 MA. 


Laboratory  is well  equipped and  Capable of  performing all  investigations. 

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